Call for Presentations

Call to Presentations Reminder

Time is flying by, the end of November is fast approaching, and the Call for Presentation for our conference in Manchester, NH for 2025 is due prior to December 1st. The portal will close on December 1st.

We are accepting proposals for conference sessions, mealtime presentations or the two-hour workshops until the end of November.  Don’t miss out on having a great time in Manchester renewing old friendships and forming ones   The committee will review each proposal and send out your invitation in a timely manner.

Looking forward to seeing  you next October.

Speakers should expect to be notified of the program decisions in January 2025.

The Call For Presentations for NERGC 2025 is now CLOSED. 

Presentation proposals are welcome from now until midnight December 1,2024 eastern
standard time for the 18th New England Regional Genealogy Conference to be held at
the DoubleTree Hotel, Manchester, NH October 29th- November 1st. 2025.

We are looking for:
■ 90-minute conference sessions that include 30 minutes of questions and answers.
■ Mealtime presentations of 45 minutes.
■ Two-hour workshops, a session in which all participants get the opportunity. To utilize
tools, website or techniques under the tutelage of the presenter with hands on
activities in one of these formats.

  • Guided Research.
  • Flipped classroom.
  • I do, we do, you do.

All in keeping with our conference theme: New Englanders Here, There, and

Past attendees have made a few suggestions of topics of interest. A short list of
requested presentations is listed below. Keep in mind this is a short list.

  • Case studies with and without DNA
  • Pet DNA
  • Civil and Revolutionary War
  • AI and genealogy
  • Writing for family history and publication
  • Genetic genealogy and/or forensic genealogy
  • Interesting uses of records including religious, civil, probate, military

Presenters will receive a one-day complimentary conference registration. NERGC does
not cover travel, or hotel expenses. Remuneration is based on the length of the
presentation with a bonus for timely submission of syllabus material that meets NERGC

We are also asking that you consider carefully the audience level you associate with
your presentation. Our portal offers the following level options:

  • Novice, someone new to this topic.
  • Intermediate, someone with some experience to this topic.
  • Advance, someone with general experience to this topic.
  • Experience someone with widespread knowledge of this.
    • General Interest, more informative and not related to research experience.

You must submit your lecture and workshop proposals through the NERGC program
portal. This permits you to enter up to six presentation proposals. Visit our portal at:

You’ll only need to enter once:

  • Speakers full name, address and telephone number.
  • Brief speaker biography of 50 words or less for conference brochure.
  • Previous lecture experience.
  • Requirements such as audio, visual with white boards or other special equipment.
  • Your social media links to assist with conference publicity.
  • Potential for employer compensation and or sponsorship.

For each proposal, please enter:

  • Title this is limited to 8 words or less.
  • Short lecture summary. This is limited to 60 words for conference, website and brochure.
  • Presentation outline or abstract connecting to conference theme. ∙ Audience level, beginner, intermediate, advanced experience, general and interests.
  • Participating society or organization, if applicable.
  • Check appropriate box to present in the conference program, Wednesday’s. Pre conference, or as a workshop. If there is a workshop, please indicate the presentation type.

Program decisions will be made in January 2025 and the speakers will be notified.

Thank you.
Program Committee NERGC 2025